Missio Dei Church
Missio Dei Church is a church located in Glassboro, NJ. Our church has 3 core focuses: growing closer to Jesus together as a church, preaching the Bible faithfully as often as we gather, and loving and serving our local community. We invite you to learn more at our website, or contact us at info@missiodeinj.com
566 episodes
[HEBREWS] wk 47 - Discipline Together
Pastor Justin teaches on growing together through discipline:Hebrews 12:12-13Notes Link:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YSX0Nj_MgYYro3DF7MxhrJM7Jxi3jS4QHwN3wF2Upv0/edit?tab=t.0
[ADVENT24] His name shall be called Prince of Peace
Pastor Justin teaches on the final name in Isaiah 9, Prince of Peace
Advent 2024 Week 3
Pastor Sherman teaches on Jesus as Everlasting Father. Link to notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ohTgFIU-pI-VwQUw3tB5OYh5fSwtS09ZhIFZbCpYmc4/edit?tab=t.0
[HEBREWS] wk 38 - How to change the World
Pastor Justin teaches on God's plan for lineage and legacy and faith. Notes link:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PbPPk3QZSJN8W5zcOqYljWfsmYOGyRktwqj5BojoQAg/edit?tab=t.0
[HEBREWS] wk 36 - Burn the Ships for King and Country
Pastor Justin teaches on Abraham and Sarah's faith as described in the Fall of Faith. (Hebrews 11:11-19)Link for the noteshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1D4G7W3v5waOnrWUoOSQPdh2qap_ZkSGFkH5jEfmyYqY/edit
[Hebrews] wk 35 - Earthly Dissonance, Heavenly Harony
Pastor Justin teaches on Abraham and his place in the "Hall of Faith"Verses: Hebrews 11:8-10Notes Link:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BDe1p-dxLI5Kf-fUCwCekwA-5Y4fD-yreiIGLKc3EhU/edit